Conditional statement

if~elseif~else / switch

Conditional statement

if~elseif~else statement

$a = 1
if ($a -lt 0) {
    'arg < 0'
} elseif ($a -gt 0) {
    'arg > 0'
} else {
    'arg = 0'
# arg > 0


switch statement

$score = 100
switch ($score) {
    {$_ -lt 70} { 'Failure'; break }
    {$_ -lt 100} { 'Success'; break }
    100 { 'Perfect score'; break }
    Default { 'Over score' }
# Perfect score

Specifying parameters for switch statement

Parameters can be specified in the switch statement.

Parameters Abbreviations Meanings
-regex -r Search for matches with regular expressions
-wildcard -w Search for matches with wildcards
-exact -e Search for exact matches
-casesensitive -c Search for case-sensitive matches
-file -f Read a string from a file and evaluate it


PS> $files = "", "Windows.ZIP", ""
PS> $files | ForEach-Object {
>>     switch -Regex -CaseSensitive ($_) {
>>         "\.zip$" { "$_ is zip"; break }
>>         "\.ZIP$" { "$_ is ZIP"; break }
>>         Default { "$_ is Unknown file" }
>>     }
>> }
>> is zip
Windows.ZIP is ZIP is Unknown file


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About If | Microsoft Docs

About Switch | Microsoft Docs